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One way in which youth may become involved in the Upstream program is by completing the universal and confidential Student Needs Assessment (SNA). This survey is specifically designed to identify students who may not display outward signs of risk and experience barriers to accessing help. It proposes that this confidential assessment process will be able to identify youth in need who may have been reluctant to ask for help previously, due to social stigma or other factors. Check out the video below. 

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The SNA will be administered to students while in school and will ask questions about students’ personal and school lives. This way, the school and community will be able to better understand how to provide supports to students who may need them. In the event that students feel uncomfortable or distressed at any point when answering the questions, they can reach out to the support staff available, or refer to the resources card they are provided. Students can change their mind about completing the assessment at any point in time and there will not be any negative consequences. If a student completes the SNA and changes their mind later, they can cancel their consent and their answers will be deleted.


Data Confidentiality

Only the researchers from our partners with the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness will know how students answer the questions – and only based on student ID number. Responses to the questions will not be shared with schools, parents, guardians, or anyone else. If the assessment results flag that a student is at-risk, you  will have the opportunity to discuss your situation with a school staff or community case manager if you wish. The purpose of this discussion is to connect students to the appropriate supports and resources they need and wish to receive. Students and families may choose to accept or decline the opportunity for a follow up discussion. Please note that if in the discussion a student reports they are being harmed or they are going to harm themselves or someone else, the school staff or case manager(s) have a professional duty to contact the appropriate services and/or supports to help the student.

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How Will Student Data be Used?

The Canadian Observatory on Homelessness (COH) will use the assessment data to identify students who are at-risk of leaving home or becoming disengaged from school. The SNA collects student ID numbers and not student names. The COH will provide school staff with a list of ID numbers for the students who could benefit from support. School staff will then reach out to those students on the list and share information about services for the student and their family so they can decide if they would like to participate in the Upstream program.

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